What were you doing when you were fifteen?
Chloe Chaidez is fronting L.A.'s Kitten, a band that hit my radar at some point last Winter when a rep from Atlantic shot over a demo of "Kill the Light" for my reaction - up or down?
I loved it.
So much so that the track was up on TVD in no time and my enthusiasm for the band was confirmed when more than a few who caught their set at this year's SXSW wrote to underscore that my immediate reaction was spot-on. They simply killed.
That demo is posted below and the balance of the demos on their Myspace made it clear that "Kill the Light" wasn't a fluke—channeling Cat Power via the Cure—with an edge and an urgency that vocalists twice Chloe's age would kill for.
So, the stars have aligned and the band is off to NYC this week to play several CMJ showcases, and if I haven't been clear, we think this is the band you fans and industry suits should go check out. (Then you're free to write and let us know how right we remain.)
'Til then, we've handed over the keys to Chloe all this week here at TVD. It's Chloe's and Kitten's Vinyl District:
Hey Vinyl District. What's up in vinyl land.
Let's just start with me saying how flattered I am that a respected music blog would actually want to broadcast the rambling diary of a 15 year girl. Prepare for catty histrionics, silly insecurities, heavy drama, shameless selfishness, and Justin Bieber. Mostly Justin Bieber. Just kidding. Maybe.
Anyways, we just finished our first EP "Sunday School" and when I say "just", I really mean 3 1/2 months ago but I'm pretty sure that's what you're supposed to say when it's finally out there. The time between actually finishing a record and getting that little black disk is usually longer than you'd ever expect. It was a tedious but most definitely rewarding process.
Now we're ready to jump in our sweaty Dodge Sprinter and live on rest stop Taco Bell again. Oh, the glamour. That said, if I could just live my life on the road playing stinky beer soaked bars every night, I'd do it faster than you can say illegal minor.
Though there will be no fast food for Kitten these next two weeks in New York and London. Only crazy cabbies (NY) and lots of classy black guys in pea coats (London) with even classier accents. " You are depressed, but you're remarkably dressed..."
I've been to New York but never for CMJ. If it's anything like SXSW, I know I'm going to have a blast.
And London! Home of the tasteful, yet non-pretentious music lover, or to quote Morrissey, (again) "Home of the brash, outrageous and free." Not to mention clean, chilly air (a nice break from the LA sun) fabulous haircuts and a show with Pitchfork's latest sweet heart, Twin Shadow!
I really dig his sound. Kind of like The Smiths and The Cure meet Prince with a drum machine. I had a chance say hello at a Drums/Surfer Blood show in LA and then later caught his show at Bardot. Live he definitely hits the Prince vibe more. Full band, epic 80's solos awash in delay...
We did a warm up show for NY in our garage Friday night. A little party for friends and the stray homeless guys that might want to hear a little Kitten. It was cool. A couple of DJ's hitting the Crystal Castles/Washed Out vibe, us and our angry neighbors.
Which leads me to the Dave Sitek Kitten mixes that'll be out soon. Stoked on that. He's without a doubt one of my favorite producers ever, which is why I still can't wrap my head around the fact that he's working on my music. It's going make a rad 7"...

Funny. All the label folk warned us that he was going to be this "mad professor" type. Twiddling knobs and lacking in basic social skills as only a genius producer could. Couldn't be further from the truth. Dave's a cool guy. A straight talker who grew up in hardcore bands and actually working for a living. I though he'd be non stop about the latest underground electronic band, instead he's shooting the shit about Nina Simone, Prince and his favorite cooking recipes.
Well, its Sunday morning and I've got to ready for an 8 hour red eye and some crazy shows. And when I say crazy, I mean CRAZY because we just got two new members (bassist, keyboard) and I don't think that Sam and Chris know how I like to body slam my fellow musicians when I'm in the "moment." For realz. Get ready for a fist fight NY….
Until next time,
Kitten - Kill The Light (Demo) (Mp3)
Approved for download!
Kitten also has the new Sunday School EP out tomorrow and all week we'll be giving away all the tracks free here at TVD - one a day. Keep checking back.
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