It was a little quiet around here yesterday, hm? Diametrically opposed to how things should be, there was a lot of stuff happening in the background yesterday as opposed to right here, where it counts. Let's say for now big things are afoot here at TVD and you'll all be in the know soon enough. 'Nuff said, as Stan 'The Man' says.
I had an interesting question yesterday though in regard to the 'Box' feature that I think merits a response. Said questioner wondered, if TVD exists to underscore the survival of the brick and mortar record stores, what the hell am I doing filling up the aforementioned box with internet, ebay purchases? And that's a fair point, methinks.
My response is that the mom and pop shops are supplementing their revenue via ebay. In fact, DC's own Crooked Beat and Som Records both have ebay stores that I suggest you utilize.
See, for what it's worth, we embrace technology here, despite the preference for some old-timey format. Ipods are great when you're walking to work and Kindles are just fine for travel or downsizing that taxed bookshelf, but I don't believe either contraption should or will replace outright the 'prehistoric' model. But I'm an optimist.
Anyway, back to the topic at hand—this one arrived in the mail just yesterday:

The Joe Jackson Band - One To One (Mp3)
The Joe Jackson Band - The Evil Eye (Mp3)
The Joe Jackson Band - Mad At You (Mp3)
The Joe Jackson Band - Biology (Mp3)
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