Today marks my last day of the TVD blog takeover. I'm pretty sad about it, honestly. It's hard to make time to write or give yourself some space to think and process what you're experiencing when you're on the road. I've brought two different journals with me: one for thoughts/musings/straight diary entries, the other for little moments in the day—revelations, experiences, street scenes— that have made me smile or laugh out loud. But in the day-to-day driving, unloading, sound-checking, singing, reloading, driving, sleeping and starting it all over again, those journals have been completely untouched. So this has been good for me in so many ways. Hope you've enjoyed it as much as I have. I only wish I'd been writing each note at an old mechanical typewriter looking out the window of a cabin in upstate New York at a slope of autumnal leaves thatching me up under the sky with a mug of hot black coffee at my fingertips and an old yellow dog at my feet—instead of in the backseat of a van, typing with my thumbs. No, wait. I wouldn't change a thing! I wouldn't be on my way to DC tomorrow if I were sitting in one spot somewhere.
I can't tell you how excited I am to be back in DC on Saturday. Even though I moved out of town a year and a half ago, DC will always be home for me. Can't wait to see my friends and family and get back to play one of my favorite venues in the entire world. Oh, Black Cat, how I love you (and have missed you!) so...
While I haven't been writing anything on paper, I have tried to keep up with the photojournalism for my memory books. I'll leave you with a story, strung together with haiku explanations. I started something I called a "haiku project" years back that I haven't quite kept up with: one photo for each day accompanied by a strict haiku (lines of 5/7/5). It was a great way of documenting each day. And it was funny the way that certain unassuming scenes were the ones that warranted the entry for the day -- they were the ones that told the very best story. It was a great way of getting new perspective. Anyway, here goes. Hope you enjoy it. And hope to see you in DC tomorrow.

Kaneko's sculptures
Backdropped Rosanne, Dan and I:
Our brains on music

Family Portrait
Post ode to Gene Smith, singing
our song: "Shit Happens"

Bowling and border
Crossing. Sadly no time for
The Motown Museum

Lights in a line like
Planets, tying us to Neil,
The first Mynah Birds

Home with the Rural
Alberta Advantage, beers
Til the sun came up

Missed Montreal in
The shuffle. Too quick a trip!
Zut zut zut alors!!

Dear Ben and Jerry:
Resurrect this flavor. Name
It "Mynabird Mud"?

Woke up in a scene
For an MC Escher sketch.
Good morning, indeed

Making a little
Sense of the alphabet soup:
Slumber party shows

Silkscreened ties and scarves;
Or, how to make thrift shopping
Tax deductible

Oh Brooklyn, your trees
Grow everywhere—Zen contrast
To the BQE

The past is present,
All time at once: Pavement sings
For a shady lane
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