They say there are rarely any ‘re-do’s in life. You live with your decisions and deal with the consequences. Count the losses, grim up, and move on. Fake a smile ‘til you’re not faking any longer.
That is, until ebay.
Back in ‘84 I sold my entire comic collection. Hundreds and hundreds of well worn compatriots were dashed off for what I recall to be a mere $85. Muscle men in colored spandex making way for the fairer sex, I’m guessing. I needed to look sharp, man.

Yet, like the flicking of your tongue over a tooth that’s been extracted, their absence was quite tangible over the years. Absences have shapes, y’see and the chasm was growing deeper and wider.
Fast forward to a glorious ebay rating of 824—chunks of my collection often replaced in one sweet, sweet auction win. (“You’ve been outbid by repressedchildhood751...”)
Actually, I have more comics—thousands more, than I do records. And I have a shit-TON of records.
TVD’s simple aesthetic #3: The scent of ink on paper.

The Libertines - Time For Heroes (Mp3)
John Lennon - Working Class Hero (Mp3)
Rick Springfield - Comic Book Heroes (Mp3)
Suede - Heroine [Live, 2003] (Mp3)
The Stranglers - No More Heroes (Mp3)
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