That's all well and good, you're saying, But you wanna come too. Hear ya. Loud and clear. So, until we come up with a different way to win these things, there's a pair of tickets with your name on 'em if you're the one singing loudest in the comments.
That's it. That simple. (And while you're at it, download the current single below.)
We're choosing the winner the morning of the show, so make it good and make it fast...

Middle Distance Runner "The Unbeliever" from maxwell sorensen on Vimeo.
I would like the free tickets because I look so good that I truly should not have to pay for anything, ever. I have male pattern baldness, not too many pimples, big feet (if you know what I mean), and a fresh cut pair of jean shorts that will melt in your mouth.
Contact info, Casey?
If you have any questions about my good looks, you can reach me at casey.weir@gmail.com or by phone, at 703-624-2862. Thank you.
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