(Plus, they’re giving away a bunch of St. Vincent tickets (and vinyl!) for those of you who show up early...)
"Tonight is the Panda Head Magazine Issue 4 Preview Party at Comet Ping Pong, and - as music and style are inextricably linked (if not, at times, one in the same) - here's a playlist of the top 10 songs currently inspiring my closet. Some (The Sword, Out of It, and No Hope Kids) are all about old Converse and vintage t-shirts with the sleeves rolled up; others (Tusk, Factory Girl, Fig Tree, and A Little At A Time) are informing the too-short-floral-dress and dusty-cowboy-boot aesthetic I've been favoring lately; and I Want You, and Oh Mandy, and Little Triggers are wishful thinking for hot, lazy summer days spent in high-waisted bell-bottoms and non-existent tank tops. Pay special attention to the New Rock Church of Fire songs - not only are they playing tonight's party (where they'll also be premiering their new music video), but we're doing a big feature on them in the next issue, which will be live and online this Monday at PandaHeadMag.com."
New Rock Church of Fire - The Sword (Mp3)
Mas Y Mas - Out of It (Mp3)
Wavves - No Hope Kids (Mp3)
Fleetwood Mac - Tusk (Mp3)
The Rolling Stones - Factory Girl (Live) (Mp3)
New Rock Church of Fire - Fig Tree (Mp3)
Benjy Ferree - A Little At A Time (Mp3)
Bob Dylan - I Want You (Mp3)
Spinto Band - Oh Mandy (Mp3)
Elvis Costello - Little Triggers (Mp3)

Great playlist, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your NRCF feature.
Not only a Dylan tune, but the Blonde on Blonde lp cover too. I'm shocked Jon!
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