Add oddly, it's not for the love of music alone...perhaps it's more about how it weaves itself around our heads and throats and takes hold. Old stuff. Spanking new and shiny. What it reveals, conceals, liberates, and enslaves. That's it.
If you're reading, you get it. If you're rolling your eyes, then move on. Nothing to see nor hear here.
But the truth is we're growing. In readership and scope. And we need you, the members of the silent majority, to come along in concert with us. To write, photograph, interview, review...whatever it is you do best, put it on display here.
Just like the KISS Army, but this time it's just about the records. Or something.
Feel free to write directly or comment in the bog below.

Thanks for the Bluejuice. Hadn't heard of them before but really enjoyed the song and the video. Very funny stuff. All the best for the new year
I'm still right there behind you young Jon.
All the very best as we change the calendars on life.
Oh yes. Mind you, I never comment in the bog - the bog is a place for silent contemplation. HNY J! X
Well, something's talking back in there...?
"...aaannd we're back!" If that is a SNL/Jimmy Fallon reference, you'll have my continued readership.
That, and the fact that any blog that will post The Replacements has my undying love and gratitude.
Anon...so, I anticipate you as a regular then?
And the Replacements? Like a crystal ball, you be.
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