First up - that shrinking violet JL Stiles!
"Do you really give a shit about my goddamn bio? Well, here it is: I was raised by chimpanzees and cut my teeth on the streets of Philadelphia, belting it out in the subways, living for a dream, laying it all on the line, yeah! Then I moved to New Orleans where I became immersed in Mathematics, had sex with the students I was a TA for and got kicked out due to sloth, pot-smoking and opium consumption, while playing the underground scene like a spring of fresh water up-welling into the madness. The madness! After that I moved to SF and opportunistically crashed in on a friend whose chick had just left him. His chick left and he got me, a slovenly and inconsiderate egomaniacal asshole. Then the voice of God came to me and I wrote the best fucking songs ever.
"Love's lost and they say it's a waste but I'm never gonna throw it away. That's my downfall, in everything and the source of my euphoria with music and everything else. Nowadays I'm doing a show at Cafe du Nord in SF October 21, for Cindy Sheehan's campaign against Nancy "five facelifts" Pelosi for congress in SF. SF people don't know they can actually vote Nancy out for a true progressive. Perhaps they know but Cindy just doesn't fit the frame of a politician. Anyway, Nancy's Bush's best ally in disguise, which is why Sheehan got so pissed that she moved to SF to take Nancy on, perhaps fruitlessly. But I don't give a shit about barking up the wrong tree.
So enough about politics. The less my shows and music are about me, the better. That pretty much sums it all up. We all only want to get a chunk of inspiration and joy and that's why I do music. It's an opportunity for me to be that chunk and for that, it's actually worth being here.
Oh, shit, almost forgot: Thanks for TVD for putting a raving idiot on here. You guys must be real schmucks. Kudos!"
JL Stiles - Renewal Song (Solo Stiles Off 'Solo Sessions')(Mp3)
JL Stiles - Still Without You (Unreleased off Landmark EP 2008) (Mp3)
JL Stiles - Rushing For The Gates (Unreleased of The Landmark EP 2008) (Mp3)
1 comment:
I was the unfortunate soul who had Stiles crashing at his apartment all those years ago. While some of those memories remain forever, painfully burned in my psyche, it was actually a blessing having JL around! And it is true he wrote some great songs in SF and the gigs were always fun, though not always well-attended in those days. IMHO the mp3s posted on TVD today don't do full justice to Stiles' musicianship and songwriting ability. Check out www.jlstiles.com for more, but really it is best to hear him play live if you can. As a bonus, I hear he no longer berates and swears at the audience - making for a kindler, gentler Stiles experience.
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