"Thank you Jon and TVD for sharing my music with your readers.
I am first and foremost a fan of good music - melodies, writing, arrangements, and production that don't belong to any particular era or category other than just plain good music. As a music listener, I believe there was a ton of amazing music recorded in the 1970's. Spending a lifetime trying to discover it all would not be enough. I still buy vinyl because I believe it is the only way to have a completely fulfilling listening experience. However, I am not a purist. I will listen to the iPod on long car rides, and I believe there are modern bands still left to discover with influences in the right places.
I absolutely fell in love with Harry Nilsson about 4 years ago. I still don't have all of his albums because each one I get is like a black hole that turns my world upside down, crumples me up, and spits me out into a completely different view of my surroundings. The intensity of my fascination will probably subside. It did with Van Morrison, The Beatles, The Kinks, Neil Young and so on, but the pure thrill of having another superhero in my music collection is enough to make some question my priorities.
"Nilsson sings Newman" is my favorite album. It has affected me more than any piece of art ever has, and I am not sure that I will have the joy of discovering something as influential to my artistic life ever again. I dare not emulate it, but I did write about it in a song of the same name.
I hope to capture in my own writing some of the same moments that I look for in other musicians' work. I aim to have sincerity, and I hope that it finds you. Thanks much for listening. Best, Drew"
Drew Smith's Lonely Choir - Nilsson Sings Newman (Mp3)
Drew Smith's Lonely Choir - NYC Song (Mp3)
Drew Smith's Lonely Choir - Travel My Dark Road (Mp3)
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Hi Jon,
On behalf of Exile Productions and Exile Publishing, many thanks for plugging Van Morrison and, for your readers’ info, up-to-the-minute news on Van’s latest album - Keep It Simple - and 2008 shows is, of course, available on www.vanmorrison.com and www.myspace.com/vanmorrison and, for a limited period, you can still see Van's exclusive BBC sessions at http://www.bbc.co.uk/musictv/vanmorrison/video/ . We’re also pleased to announce that an increasing archive of exclusive film footage of Van Morrison performances has now been made available for fans on Exile’s official YouTube channel at http://uk.youtube.com/user/OfficialExileFilms .
Thanks again for your support.
Huh? I'll need to see a badge, Web Sheriff.
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