Y'know, very early on in I had a few tips from the sorely missed Retro Music Snob. He said, "Kid... update daily. Give 'em a reason to come back. Make it exciting and thoughtful -- just don't make it a JOB." Which is a roundabout way of saying, "MAN, we were coasting this week, huh?" See, I think I missed my calling - I shoulda' been in radio, because each morning pondering posts for the day, I just wish I could flick the ON switch to a live mike instead of pushing pixels toward particular portions of a playlist. And there'd be no spell check either. Or syntax errors.
So, yea -- cohosts. Someone to guffaw next to Ed McMahon and take the reigns for a week. I'm dead serious. Think you could pull it off while I slather on the tanning butter in sunny Barbados? I'll hand ya' the keys to TVD HQ. (It's ok, I trust you.) Got it in ya? Be in touch because I'll be...right. Here.
Hand picked for your Friday Cube Dancing:
Adrian Borland - Lonely Late Nighter (Mp3)
Nilsson - City Life (Mp3)
Robert Palmer - Johnny And Mary (Mp3)
Modern English - Blue Waves (Mp3)
It's Immaterial - Summer Winds (Mp3)
'Tanning butter'? Eeew!
I am enjoying the Modern English - I only really knew them via the This Mortal Coil stuff. I needs to get me some it seems.
Have you got a drink yet?
A joke Davy, a joke! I have some serious English/Irish pallor. No one has EVER said to me, "Hey - great tan!"
I can send you some Modern English...
And uh, not yet. 16 minutes...
Ah, 'jokes' is it now? Go on, go on.
Modern English? Yes please!!
Chin chin!
Johnny and Mary has to be one of the greatest songs ever written......But being the Bass Player on this song must have been pretty boring.
" OK..Bass player...you just play one note ....after every 4th verse....just once...GOT IT?"
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