Essay question: "Why do I keep coming back to The Sound?" Best answer wins the whole LP (11 album tracks with 4 additional live tracks) in one download. Contest closes at 5PM EST today. Make 'em good.
The Sound - I Can't Escape Myself.mp3
The Sound - Hour of Need.mp3
The Sound - Missiles.mp3
The Sound - Jeopardy.mp3
The Sound - Desire.mp3
Leaving aside the appeal of the music itself, which is always a difficult thing to describe, I'd say it's the direct sincerity of the singing and lyrics. Take "Missiles". There are lots of political songs from that era about the big bad military industrial complex but this one really nails it on an emotional level, which is a real achievement.
How is it done? Not sure but the accusation sounds as much directed inward as outward, so it's got more substance than, say, a Dead Kennedys song.
It's quite open and honest music, moreso than their main compeitor Joy Division, great as they were. That's why I still enjoy listening to it.
I know why I listen to The Sound: because it brings me back.
What can I say but...two entries/two winners.
Contact me directly if you'd both like the full LP download. jon.meyers@verizon.net
ah, the Sound. on vinyl, on cd & on my iPod, Jeopardy & From the Lions Mouth, great albums...
Can anybody point me to a place where I can get the 2 greatest albums of The Sound 'Jeopardy' and 'From the lion's mouth'?
I tried on ebay and amazon for the CDs (very expensive!!!), but even on itunes there is no sensible way to get those songs.
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